Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hmm....I've been on Media Match for a long, long time. I have to admit that I've never used it to the fullest extent. I signed up years ago, completed a profile and populated it with a resume and contact information. But I never actually needed it because in those days, I had plenty of work. But with strikes and contract negotiations and recessions my work has slowed significantly. Now that finding work has become a challenge for me, I've been noticing the normal emails from Media Match. As I peruse the postings, I realize that there is so much opportunity on Media Match that I have been ignoring.

The jobs are targeted opportunities that are specifically the kind of work for which I'm looking. In this day and age, you really need any opportunity you can get to increase your circle of clients. Media Match is going to have to become part of my daily work search. It's simple, it's cheap, there's a great variety of work opportunities, and it's convenient. If you don't have a profile on Media Match, get one. Keep it current. Check out the job postings even if you have a job because you might actually find a better one on Media Match. I went through my profile today and cleaned it up. Now I'm going to start applying for some gigs.

So, this is my promise to myself to use Media Match to further my career as a freelance Assistant Director and Producer.

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